Thursday, November 11, 2010

Welcome to Pursuit of Healthiness!

Anyone who knows me can tell you I’ve tried every type of health food or fitness trend in the book. I usually jump in head first and all gung-ho then my enthusiasm wanes as I get bored with the fad. When I give up on the latest trend, I always revert back to simple, healthy cooking. Usually, everyday revolves around food for me. I watch the Food Network incessantly, plan my meals a week in advance and love grocery shopping (weird, I know).

I started this blog to chronicle my ups and downs with food, fitness, and staying healthy. I will provide you with recipes I’ve enjoyed and reviews of food products and restaurants that have dazzled me. I will let you know which trends I love and which I could live without. I am open for suggestions, too, so if there is something you think I should try, I'd love to know about it!

Thanks for reading and I'm thrilled about this new journey.


  1. I'm so excited that you started this blog! As your house-mate and easily convinced sidekick on the Master Cleanse or whatever the current diet plan is, I can't wait to see what you come up with next. :)

  2. This is amazing. Can't wait to follow your recipes. Make sure to give credit to Rodney if credit to Rodney is due.


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